A new year with a new look and features
For the observant members, you will see that the website has a new look and feel and with a little more digging will show some new features.
The administration and support of the website had become a little neglected due to work commitments in 2021, but the Christmas break gave me some time to have a good tidy up. There is still lots to do but I will get there.
As always, the usefulness of the website is dependant on it’s content; I’m always looking for ideas, suggestions and articles to publish.
So, what are these new features I mentioned?
Members area
I have added a members area, so once logged in, you will be able to auto register for events, such as the hands on turning.
Registration as a member is simple and straight forward. Click this link, or click the “Register” link at the bottom of the login page.
Membership payments are still being handled manually through our Treasurer for now but this may change in the future.
EventBrite Bookings
The Events page is our first restricted access page. Only members will be able to view this but, as the login page suggests, membership has it’s privileges.
The bookable events calendar is shown below. This allows the member to hover over an event to see the details, or click an event to go directly to the EventBrite site and reserve a place in just a few clicks.
You will need to create an EventBrite account but it’s very easy and straightforward. This can be done through this link.
The event booking is currently only showing Hands On sessions but there are plans to expand this to Learn to Turn and Demonstrations as well.
Our club sponsors have provided us with support over the years and in recognition of this we display their logos and a link to their sites on the right-hand sidebar.
Please support them as they have done for us, by following their links.