
A message from our Chairman

Hi Everyone,

I Hope you all have had a good Christmas and start to this new year.

What a difficult time the last 20 months have been with Covid19 for all of us, not being able to hold our usual Demo’s and Hands on Session’s program, although we were still able to take part in our club monthly competitions,  here’s hoping 2022 will have better times ahead for us all.

Near the end of 2021 we were able to restart our Hands on and Demo Program where numbers attending grow steadily back to our usual numbers. It was great to see so many of you all again at our Christmas Party/prize presentation night, where we had 48 people attend the event which helped to make it a great night with some great food.

Ben has been very busy working in the back ground to up-date our web site for us all, which now includes a members only section where we will be able to publish things/news that is for members only and you will be able book in for our Hands on sessions (once you have registered) instead of using the Eventbrite web site. We will still continue to send out monthly event reminders by emails.

Lastly we are still looking for a club secretary. If you would like to support the club in this key position then help and guidance will be provided to get you set up in the role (most of the tools and forms are already in place on our club laptop).

All the best for 2022, lets hope we can all now move forward and upwards with our club.



Professional software Geek and hobbyist hurter of wood.

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